Network Solutions
Next Generation Network Transformation Solutions
4G Networks
SPACEWIDE is one-stop-shop of Next Generation Networks and Network Transformation 4G and 5G Technology.
We partner with the best Next Gen Network manufacturers in the world, and design the best network elements and features that meet the high standards of 3GPP compliance, CapEx and OpeEx feasibility, with high experience, to build the best end-to-end solution.
Our Network portfolio consists of:
Evolved Packet Core (EPC), fully virtualized all-IP architecture with separation of control plane and user plane traffic, comprises:
MME (Mobility Management Entity), SGW (Serving Gateway), PGW (PDN Gateway), HSS (Home Subscriber Server), PCRF (Policy & Charging Rules Function) and Compact BSS/OSS systems. ePDG (Evolved Packet Data Gateway) in case of VoWiFi.
IMS Core for all network access types, virtualized, with common previsioning and management system to deliver voice and multimedia services across any network access (LTE, WiFi, and eventually 5G) including VoLTE, VoWiFi, and RCS 5 solutions based on NFV-based architectures.
Converged BSS/OSS all-in-one platform comprises: CRM, Convergent Billing & Voucher Management systems with flexible customizable possibility to fit all customer BSS/OSS business requirements.
Broadband Value Added Solutions
Voice over LTE (VoLTE), Data & Voice Off-loading Solutions, Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi), Rich Communication Suits (RCS5),
Web Real Time Communications (WebRTC) and Converged Value Added Service (CVAS).
5G Networks
SPACEWIDE offers end to end green field 5G core and radio network solutions as well as smooth network upgrade from 3G/4G to 5G.
The following implementation scenarios are possible:
Bare-metal hardware
NFV virtualization that realizes the separation between network element functions and hardware resources, to assure compatibility with any hardware make.
Cloud Hosting, (Iaas), such as AWS and Azure to achieve flexible capacity scaling, online software version upgrade for rapid network roll-out and software updates.
5G Network Slicing
Network slicing is a form of virtual network architecture allows the network operator to provide dedicated virtual networks with functionality specific to the service or customer over the 5G network infrastructure, thus, network operator can support numerous services in 5G by allowing multiple virtual networks to be created on top of a common shared physical infrastructure.
The virtual networks are then customized to meet the specific needs of applications, services, devices, customers or operators.
Network slicing will play a critical role in 5G networks because of the multitude of use cases and new services 5G supports.
These new use cases and services will place different requirements on the network in terms of functionality and performance requirements, for example, an autonomous car will rely on V2X (vehicle-to-anything) communication which requires low latency but not necessarily a high throughput. A streaming service watched while the car is in motion will require a high throughput and is susceptible to latency. Both would be able to be delivered over the same common physical network on virtual network slices to optimize use of the physical network.
Each virtual network (network slice) comprises an independent set of logical network functions that support the requirements of the particular use case, with the term ‘logical’ referring to software.
Each slice is optimized to provide the resources and network topology for the specific service and traffic that uses the slice. Functions such as speed, capacity, connectivity and coverage will be allocated to meet the particular demands of each use case, but functional components may also be shared across different network slices.
Each slicecan be completely isolated so that no slice can interfere with the traffic in another slice. This lowers the risk of introducing and running new services, and also supports migration because new technologies or architectures can be launched on isolated slices. It also has a security impact, because if a cyber-attack breaches one slice the attack is contained and not able to spread beyond that slice.
Each can be configured with its own network architecture, engineering mechanism and network provisioning. It typically contain management capabilities, which will be controlled by the network operator or the customer, depending on the use case. It can be independently managed and orchestrated. Artifecial Intellegence (AI) can play major role in this domain.
The user experience of the network slice will be the same as if it was a physically separate network. Network slicing will enable new products and services that can be brought to market quickly and be easily adapted as demand changes and evolves, translating into increased revenue for operators and more services for end users.
Network Transformation: 3G to 4G to 5G
Smooth and seamless network transformation scenario from 3G to 4G and 5G.
In this scenario of network convergence, 3G, 4G and 5G network users can access the network, while smooth upgrade to full 4G or 5G network is smoothly assured.
Mobile Radio Access & Transmission Solutions
Radio Access Network (RAN)
4G / 5G RAN solutions with evolved architecture based on native cloud virtualization technology that enables the RAN to adapt based on utilization, usage and coverage.
Our Solutions
5G RAN Solutions
4G RAN Solutions
Microwave Transmission Network Solutions
Fiber Optic Transmission Network Solutions
Satellite Communications
Broadband Connectivity
Fixed and Mobile secure reliable private networks solutions that are interoperable with terrestrial communications infrastructure to ensure mission-critical uninterrupted and resilient connectivity.
Global Connectivity
Satellite-based Wi-Fi solution to provide simple and effective communication solutions to anyone, anywhere and anytime.
The satellite solution supports the social, economic, and environmentally sustainable growth for all regardless of terrestrial infrastructure.
Challenging Area Communications
Mission Critical Emergency & Disaster Communications
Remote Oil & Gas Areas
Military & Security
Marine Communications
Airplane Communication
Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) Solution
EIR is the network element that keeps a list of mobile phone devices, identified by their IMEI, which are to be banned from the network or to be monitored.
Telecommunication Regulatory Authorities implement national central EIR solution, for the following reasons:
Fight crime and combat theft of mobile phone devices, by allow tracking of stolen mobile devices, ban them from the network locally and internationally.
Recover tax and combat tax evasion due to illegal import of mobile devices
Combat ingenuine mobile devices in the market to protect health, safety and security of the community as well as enhance the quality of service of network service providers.
Improve customer experience, increase brand awareness and maximize revenues of the individual mobile service providers
In addition to blocking stolen devices (maintain Black, While & Gray lists), Central EIR add extra valuable functions:
Locking SIM cards to particular devices
Locking subsidized mobile devices to SIM cards, ensuring tariff plans are adhered to
Expose mobile device make and model to external service applications, to enable specialized handset type-related-services
Provide detailed fraud and market reports about subscribers and mobile devices utilization.
Automatically detect changes to mobile numbers, equipment and SIM cards, for fraudulent monitoring by detecting high SIM card swap rates.
Enable intelligent marketing campaigns, for instance to particular handset types.
Connection with other government entities such as National ID database, Traffic Authority, low enforcement authorities, health authorities etc, to allow specialized services and applications
Allow sending SMS notifications to inbound roamers and particular SIM/device combinations, for example: send SMS welcome messages to roaming subscribers.
Value Added Services
Value-Added Services term in telecommunication industry indicates
to set of services which add revenue to MNO and add differentiation
against other competing MNOs.
SPACEWIDE has variety of legacy VAS, in addition to 4G VAS:
Enterprise Messaging Services
Location Based Services
TAS-based Value Added Services
One SIM & Multiple Number
Multi Device & One Number
Intelligent Roaming: Visitor Local Number
Intelligent Roaming: Cross Border Multi-line
Intelligent Number Translator
Advertisements Sponsored Calls
Caller Name ID
Global Virtual Private Network
Missed Call Ads
Missed Call Notifications
Dynamic Discount Management
Safe Driving: ability to block calls, SMS, and even Data when driver is in motion
All above are just an examples, SPACEWIDE has the capability of development VAS upon customer request.
Please contact us to discuss your business requirements.
Cell Broadcast messaging is a mobile technology feature defined by the ETSI’s GSM committee and is part of the 2G, 3G, 4G LTE and 5G standards.
Cell Broadcast is designed for simultaneous delivery to multiple users in a specified area, and described as a one-to-many geographically focused messaging service.
Cell Broadcast is not affected by traffic load, therefore, it is especially usable during a disaster when load spikes of Data (Social media and Mobile app), regular SMS and Voice calls usage tend to significantly slowdown mobile networks, as multiple events showed e.g. 2016 Brussels bombings, Paris attacks, 2017 London attacks, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
Wireless Emergency Alerts and Government alerts using Cell broadcast technology are natively supported in every Apple handset running IOS 6 and higher and every Android handset running Android Kitkat 4.4 and higher. Mobile Smart Phones have a standard configuration menu to enable/disable the receiving of Cell Broadcast messages.